A tough, straight talker who gets to the point right away, Kyla Lee has particular knowledge and skills in defending drinking driving charges. She was the first British Columbia lawyer to successfully defend an appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada in an IRP case. In the first full hearing in an Immediate Roadside Prohibition case at the Supreme Court of Canada, she was the first lawyer to tell the court about how the BC DUI law works.
Kyla is one of few people in British Columbia who can decipher police Breathalyzer records for the Alco-Sensor ASDs and the Intox EC/IR II. She has developed extensive legal arguments concerning Administrative Driving Prohibitions and Over .08 criminal charges. She often deals with particularly complex criminal cases. Kyla completed the manufacturer’s training to operate and calibrate the Alco-Sensor FST, the newest breathalyzer used by BC police to issue IRPs.
Kyla Lee is a dedicated IRP lawyer. She has been closely involved with the challenges to the British Columbia Immediate Roadside Prohibition regime from the start. Kyla was successful opposing the first leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada in an IRP case, and was granted leave to appeal by the Supreme Court of Canada in the Wilson case where she made the first arguments about IRPs to the Court.
She has been involved in scientific experiments using the Approved Screening Device breathalyzers used in BC. She has completed the official training program to calibrate the Alco-Sensor FST Approved Screening Device. She has completed the same DWI Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST) training as the police in accordance with the NHTSA requirements. Kyla co-authored a paper on the Latest Developments in the IRP Immediate Roadside Prohibition Regime.
Contact info:
604 685 8889
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