Ask Charles Thompson why he enjoys being a lawyer, and he’ll answer, “I look at the job as helping people solve problems. I like doing that and I think I’m reasonably good at it.”
Charles grew up in Bass River, Colchester County. He attended Mount Allison University for his undergraduate degree in commerce and history before going on to Dalhousie University for law school.
“The law offered an academic challenge. It also had the appeal of working with people and solving problems.”
After receiving his law degree, Charles moved to Yellowknife, NWT, where he practiced for 10 years before returning to Nova Scotia.
“It’s a great place to be when you’re young and starting out, but when my wife and I started our family, we felt the pull to be closer to home.”
Upon moving home in 2004, Charles didn’t want to live in the city, but also didn’t want to join a small firm. Burchell MacDougall LLP was the perfect fit.
“It was the right firm, the right place, and the right size.”
Charles practices mainly in the areas of administrative, employment and municipal law. One of the things he enjoys most is the opportunity to work with his clients long term, build relationships and become a trusted advisor.
“They know they can call me to help them tackle a problem and provide guidance. They also know I’ll work like crazy.”
Charles has volunteered with the Boys and Girls Club of Truro and Colchester, the St. James Church of Great Village Preservation Society, and has served on committees for the Nova Scotia Barristers Society. He is currently a Director and the Chair of the Liability Insurance Association for the legal profession in Nova Scotia.
Charles has two daughters, and spends much of his free time chauffeuring them to activities. He also enjoys travelling with his family and reading.
Charles Thompson was recognized by The Best Lawyers™ in Canada 2023 for his practice in Labour & Employment Law and Municipal Law.
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